Artistic Pen

Project Milestone

The project Milestone is a project which concludes the realization of a five-planned 3D-printed concrete houses which will be all occupied in the city of Eidhoven. The first house will be a floored house and the other four will be multi stored houses. The concrete dwellings will be subject to all the regular building and environmental regulations and will meet the demands of quality and comforting for the occupants. The design of the houses is based on erratic blocks in a green landscape. The irregular shape of the buildings shows the ability of 3D-printing to construct almost any shape. The design aims at a high sustainability, as its unique design compared with the insulation will make a passive house without the use of gas which is rare in Netherlands. For the first time Municipality Eidhoven, Eidhoven University of technology, Contractor Van Wijnen, Real Estate manager Vesteda, Materials Company Saint Gobain-Weber Beamix and engineering firm Witteveen+Bos made an innovative project in the Construction Area proving the potential of 3d-printing in the sustainable policy, in the construction of passive houses giving a unique shape that every architect would be jealous.   

Video 1: 3d-printed houses in Eidhoven
